Graphile Migrate 0.1 Released

Announced 2020-03-17 by Team Graphile

The Graphile team are pleased to announce that Graphile Migrate 0.1 is out in pre-release. This is a big milestone for the project, with it finally leaving 0.0.x territory and leaving behind the word "highly" in the phrase "highly experimental"! This release is a significant jump from the previous versions and includes many new commands, more configuration options, as well as a suite of new features.

Graphile Migrate is an opinionated, SQL-powered, productive roll-forward migration tool for Postgres. In true Graphile style, it is simple, familiar, fully functional and fast: Save a file and the database is updated in milliseconds. There's no custom DSL to learn, instead use standard Postgres syntax. Graphile Migrate pairs well with PostGraphile and the wider Graphile suite of tools. You can find it on GitHub.

Cartoon people release red arrows up into the sky

Migrate 0.1 features

There are many new features and a 🚨 breaking change in Migrate 0.1. Make sure you read the full release notes and the new and improved Readme of the project on GitHub.

  • New commands:

    • init to set up a new environment
    • compile to compile an SQL file (filling out placeholders) and output the result
    • run to compile and run an SQL file
    • completion to install CLI autocompletion
  • More configuration options are exposed
  • Support for the current migration to be a directory
  • Support for naming commits
  • Ability to run afterRest SQL actions as a superuser
  • Add ability to run graphile-migrate status without requiring a database connection
  • Stronger linting, stronger types and lots of other housekeeping
  • 🚨 potential checksum breaking change

The full, technical details can be found in the release notes in the project repo.

Thank you Graphile Sponsors and contributors!

We extend our gratitude to everyone who has filed issues and pull requests against Graphile Migrate ⁠— contributors and user feedback are invaluable to open source projects and help to push the software to be the best possible version of itself it can be.

This freedom to innovate and make our tooling available for free would not be possible without our sponsors. The GitHub Sponsor program has been key in enabling us to spend paid time on our open source work. If you appreciate what we do, encourage your company to sponsor us to help us keep dedicating time and resources to our open source developer tooling. There's more information on our sponsor page.

Graphile thanks the community